Privacy Policy

Who are we?

We are ALTRAD SERVICES Benelux (trademark of ALTRAD BALLIAUW MULTISERVICES NV, HERTEL SERVICES NV and HERTEL BV), based with our head offices in Wijnegem, Belgium and Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Within the scope of our activities (supporting our B2B customers in the field of scaffolding, sheeting, rope access, insulation, painting, electrical & steam tracing and asbestos removal in various industries such as oil & gas, process, energy, food and pharma) we collect, store, transmit or otherwise process data. Pursuant to the applicable privacy laws, we are the controller regarding the personal data we process.

What is the importance of this Privacy Policy?

We attach a great deal of importance to your privacy right and always endeavor to protect your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws and specifically the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In the present Privacy Policy we explain how we collect your personal data, how and for which purposes we will process these data, and to whom your personal data can be transmitted. The present Privacy Policy also contains important information about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data. Consequently, we recommend that you carefully read this policy. From time to time it may be necessary to amend the present Privacy Policy. In that case, we will always send you a copy of the new version by e-mail. Also, the most recent version of the present Privacy Policy is always available on our website.

Attention: When sharing your personal data with us, we expect that you have first read this Privacy Policy.

Note: This means that we do not need your ‘permission’ to process your personal data. We do not process your personal data on the basis of your permission, unless expressly indicated (e.g. to send our electronic newsletter).

Whose personal data do we collect?

Within the scope of our activities (as described above), we may collect personal data of our customers, visitors of our web site, persons completing a contact form on our web site, persons who subscribed to our electronic newsletter and persons who contact us otherwise (e.g. because we are provided with their name and contact details as an employee or appointee of our customers, suppliers or commercial partners).

How do we collect personal data about you?

We can collect information about you in a variety of manners:

  • directly from you when you provide us with your personal data within the scope of our commercial activities;
  • directly from you when you visit our web site, when you complete a contact form on our web site and/or when you subscribe to our electronic newsletter;
  • via your employer with whom we have signed a contract or have a collaboration (e.g. when you act as a contact for our customers, suppliers or commercial partners); and
  • via third parties and official sources

What type of personal data do we collect?

We may collect the following data about you:

  • Personal identification details: name, address, telephone number, cell phone number, e-mail address;
  • Electronic identification details: IP addresses, information collected via cookies (read our Cookie Policy)

Whenever it is compulsory to fill in certain information, and only optional for other information, this will be clearly indicated.

For which purpose do we use these data?

We use these data for the following purposes:

  • for our customer management;
  • for our web site management;
  • to provide you with information you requested, e.g. if you asked a question via the contact form on our web site;
  • for marketing purposes, for our paper mailings as well as our electronic newsletter (if you subscribed to our newsletter).

For your complete information, below are the relevant legal grounds for these types of processing:

  • the processing of your personal data for our customer management or to provide certain information to our customers, is based on its necessity to implement the agreement;
  • in all other cases, we base the processing of personal data for the management of our web site or to provide you with certain information (e.g. after contacting us via our web site or when sending paper mailings) on its necessity to look after our legitimate commercial interests as a company (in particular, the interest of being able to contact prospects and potential customers),
  • we base the processing of your personal data for electronic direct marketing purposes (the sending of our electronic newsletter) on your opt-in permission. Only when you have unambiguously indicated that you wish to receive our electronic newsletter (you are entirely free to do so), we will subscribe you to our newsletter.

Please note that you can revoke your permission at any given time, without us charging any costs and without this having any negative consequences. You can do so by using the opt-out option that will be offered by ALTRAD SERVICES Benelux in each mailing, by unsubscribing through filling out the contact form on our web site requesting that your data be deleted.

With whom do we share your personal data?

  • With our service providers (‘processors’):
    Within the scope of our activities, as listed above, we sometimes share your personal data with third parties, in particular service providers (e.g. IT/cloud service providers or PR/marketing service providers who organise mailing campaigns for us]) who act as ‘processors’ on our behalf.

  • With our commercial partners:
    We may also share your personal data with our commercial partners (allowing them to contact you).

  • Within our group of companies
    We may also share your personal data within our group of companies for operational, commercial or marketing purposes

  • With government services:
    We may also share your personal data with the authorities, police services or judicial authorities in the event of a legal obligation.

We always ensure that appropriate protective measures are taken when transmitting your personal data to third parties. For instance, where necessary, we will sign a processor agreement, stipulating restrictions on the use of your personal data and obligations regarding the protection of your personal data. Your personal data and your profile will not be lent or sold to third parties for marketing purposes, without your prior written permission. Your personal data will not be sent to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

How long do we store your personal data?

Your personal data will not be stored longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and processed (as described above). Afterwards it is still possible that they can be found in our backups or archives, but they will no longer be actively processed in a file.

More specifically, the following retention periods apply:

  • Retention period customer data: All data related to the contractual relationship with customers or suppliers will be kept for 10 years after the end of the contractual relationship. This period corresponds to the limitation period for contractual claims;

  • Retention period direct marketing: the data will be used until:
    The person concerned unsubscribes,
    ALTRAD SERVICES Benelux receives the message that the e-mail address is no longer in use,
    ALTRAD SERVICES Benelux decides to stop sending mailings. Only if we are legally obliged to do so, or if this is necessary to defend our interests in law (for example in case of a dispute), will we keep your personal data for a longer period.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

You have the right (under certain circumstances):

  • to access and be informed of your data;
  • to correct your personal data;
  • to delete your personal data (the ‘right to be forgotten’);
  • to restrict the processing;
  • to object to the processing of your personal data;
  • to obtain your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit these personal data (or have them
  • transmitted) to another controller.

For more information about these rights and the circumstances in which you can exercise these rights, in particular your right to object (i.e. your ‘opt-out’ right concerning our electronic newsletter), see the Addendum to the present policy. In principle, you can exercise these rights for free. Only in the event of unreasonable or repeated requests we may charge a reasonable administrative fee. We always endeavour to reply to your requests or questions as quickly as possible. We may also ask you to provide proof of your identity in order to check your request.

Finally, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch and Belgian Data Protection Authority regarding the processing of your personal data.


If you have any questions, remarks or complaints about the present Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data by us, do not hesitate to contact us through our contact form on our web site.

Addendum – More information about your legal rights

Right to access and be informed of your data
You can request us to provide more information about our processing activities and about the data we keep about you.

Right to correct incomplete or incorrect data
You can request us to correct or complete incorrect or incomplete personal data.

Right to delete your personal data (‘right to be forgotten)
Upon your written request, we will delete your personal data:
- if they are no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected or processed for; or
- if the processing was exclusively based on your permission, which you revoke now; or
- if you have reasonable grounds to object to the processing of your personal data; or
- if the personal data were processed unlawfully; or
- if the personal data need to be deleted in order to fulfil a legal obligation.
By way of exception, we may refuse to delete your data (i) in order to exercise the right of freedom of speech and information; (ii) in order to fulfil a legal obligation; or (iii) in order to file, exercise or substantiate a legal claim.

Right to restrict the processing
You have the right to obtain a restriction of the processing in one of the following situations:
- for a period that allows us to check the accuracy of the personal data, if they are disputed; or
- if you request us to do so, instead of deleting the data; or
- if we no longer need the personal data, but you need them to file, exercise or substantiate a legal claim; or
- when you objected to a processing based on our legitimate interests.

Right to object to the processing of your personal data
At any given time, given your specific situation, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on our “consideration of legitimate interests”. In that case, we will stop processing these data unless imperative legitimate grounds exist that outweigh your interests, or that relate to the filing, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim.

When personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes (in particular, to send our electronic newsletter or personal advertising via regular mail), you always have the right to object to this or to revoke your permission. You also have the right not to be subjected to profiling for marketing purposes.

Right to data portability
In some cases you have the right to obtain your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transmit these data to another controller. This right applies:
- if the processing is based on the legal ground of the permission or on its necessity to implement a contract; and
- if the data are processed by means of automated methods.

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